Monday, January 07, 2008

What I've Read

Mignola/Arcudi - BPRD: The Universal Machine
De Hartog, Jan - The Peacable Kingdom
Marshall, William L. - Yellowthread Street
Cotterill, Colin - The Coroner's Lunch
Kirk, Russell - Watcher at the Strait Gate
Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
McWhorter, John - Authentically Black
Wangerin, Walter - The Book of the Dun Cow
McCarthy, Cormac - No Country for Old Men
Marshall, Michael - The Intruders
Bellavia, David - House to House
Pratchett, Terry - Making Money
Cook, Glen - The Fire in His Hands
Cook, Glen - With Mercy Toward None
Lindsay, Jeff - Darkly Devoted Dexter
Lindsay, Jeff - Dexter in the Dark
Cook, Glen - A Shadow of All Night Falling
Shlaes, Amity - The Forgotten Man
Erikson, Steven - Gardens of the Moon
King, Stephen - On Writing
Erikson, Steven - Deadhouse Gates
Dalrymple, Theodore - Our Culture, or What's Left of It
Long, Jeff - Deeper
Barlough, Jeffrey - Bertram of Butter Cross
Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
Coady, Roxanne, ed. - The Book That Changed My Life
Lermontov, Mikhail - A Hero for Our Times
Dostoevsky, Feodor - Crime and Punishment
Reeve, Philip - Larklight

A little bit of everything; non-fiction, scifi, fantasy, crime, etc. Some were very good (House to House) and some were very (very, very) bad (The Intruders and Harry Potter).

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