Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Port Richmond - land of opportunities

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lawgiver's Port Richmond real estate undertaking, here's some shots of Port Richmond and its surrounding areas. It really is still a beautiful neighborhood, despite the economic and white flight that hammered it in the seventies and eighties. Sure parts of the area are pretty sketchy but even those spots have some wonderful buildings.

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Trantor and Hooker

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Richmond Terrace and Heberton Railroad Depot

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The Ritz Theater

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Again - The Ritz

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Sharpe and Grove Train Station

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Faber and Richmond Terrace

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Dr. Johnson's House - Albion and Heberton


  1. Wish I could live in the old Faber and Richmond Terrace house.

  2. I'd want to live in the tower.
