Thursday, November 17, 2016

Port Richmond Project Part 2: Ann Street between (Port) Richmond and Park Avenues

Today we slip under the old North Shore Rail overpass and then around the corner up along the northside of the first block of Ann Street. Unlike yesterday, this is a block with most of its older buildings still standing - which means we get to see the results of wear and tear over decades with limited upkeep. 

Nat's was the place we went for work boots and not much else. The store and the attached building are exemplars of the neighborhood's architectural decay. 

I've always found it interesting to see how close we used to live to shops. In this case, there are houses literally around the corner from a varied block of stores. As we move along in this project we'll see stores with large numbers of apartments above them. I'm curious what those apartments are like. I'd imagine they're a decent size. If Port Richmond ever takes off, I imagine they'll be worth a fortune.

Most of these houses have been transformed over the years between 1940 and today, suffering the usual disfiguring events. Windows and porches have been sealed up, attractive shingle siding covered with durable and dull aluminum, and curved window frames replaced with straight ones. I appreciate owners' need to cut down on maintenance expenses on old wooden houses, but the esthetics are awful.

 1917 Map 

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